Cultural Partnerships

L'ÉCOLE, School of Jewelry Arts is committed to supporting research, teaching and museums.


In line with its educational mission, L'ÉCOLE has naturally sought to partner with various additional cultural projects. It has therefore embarked on partnerships that reassert its commitment to traditional and innovative savoir-faire and creativity.  Partnerships in France and Japan bear witness to L'ÉCOLE’s basic missions: spreading culture, transmission and education.


Musée des Arts Décoratifs (Paris)


Musée des Arts Déco


The Jewelry Gallery displays 1,200 pieces of jewelry that offer an exceptional panorama of the history of jewelry from the Middle Ages to the present day.
It offers a remarkable illustration of the mission of the Musée des Arts Décoratifs: encouraging the access and understanding of its collections among the widest possible audience. With the same emphasis on education, L'ÉCOLE is supporting publications about the Museum’s jewelry collection. In October 2016 a first book, Flora, was published, followed by Fauna in September 2017 and Figures & Faces in March 2018.

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The Comédie-Française Museum (Paris)

L'ÉCOLE financially supports the restoration of jewelry now in the Comédie-Française heritage collections: some thirty pieces mainly dating from the 19th century, worn on stage by the most celebrated actors of the day.


Université de Rennes 2

Université de Rennes

Over three years, L'ÉCOLE has financed a doctoral thesis at the university’s Art History and Criticism Research Unit on the subject of Jean-Baptiste Tavernier (1605-1689), a major figure in the history of jewelry, explorer, and merchant who was at the origin of numerous public and private collections of precious stones in the West.

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École Boulle, École supérieure des Arts Appliqués et du Design (Paris)

Ecole Boulle

Founded in 1886, L'ÉCOLE Boulle trains its students in high-level craft skills. L'ÉCOLE sponsors the gemology training course for its jewelry students.

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